
1. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE:  At the direction of the National President, this committee shall consist of at least five (5) members in good standing and shall recommend and implement methods to increase and maintain membership.  The National Senior Vice President shall serve as chair of the Membership Committee.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN – Ray 'Rock' Rocho [email protected]

2. HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE: At the direction of the National President, this committee shall consist of at least five (5) members in good standing and shall encourage and assist local chapters in developing and operating local chapter health & wellness committees charged with visiting wounded, ill and hospitalized comrades, with providing for their comfort and with providing assistance to their families.  Standing members of this committee shall be the National Chaplain and the National Service Officer.
 HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN – John Harris [email protected]

3. FINANCE COMMITTEE: This committee shall meet in conjunction with the Board.  In addition to the members of the Board, the committee shall include two (2) past National Presidents.  The Vice President–Finance shall serve as chair of this committee.
FINANCE CHAIRMAN – Jim 'Mac' McCarthy [email protected]

4. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: At the direction of the National President, this committee shall consist of at least five (5) members in good standing and shall also consist of past National Presidents and one representative in good standing from each chapter.  This committee shall nominate the Association officers for the ensuing year and shall report those nominations at the first annual business meeting.  No current elected officers shall serve on this committee.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN – Jerry Bumpus [email protected]

5. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: At the direction of the National President, this committee shall consist of at least five (5) members in good standing.  It shall submit to the National Association such resolutions as may be fully presented to it by active chapters and shall originate such other resolutions as it deems necessary and appropriate.
RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN – Ray 'Rock' Rocho [email protected]

6. MEMORIAL COMMITTEE: This committee shall consist of (5) members appointed annually by the President. The National Treasurer is a standing committee member ex-officio; the committee shall represent the Association in all matters pertaining to the care and maintenance of  the  Association’s monuments in France and Vietnam, coordinating its activities with the American Battle Monuments Commission and the PNC Advisors; in discharging its responsibilities the committee shall be guided by the “Agreement for Maintenance of War Monuments” also known as the “National 4th Infantry (Ivy) Division Monument Fund”. The committee is authorized to maintain its own cash and/or investments and raise funds; the Chairman shall present a report outlining committee activities and finances for the year just passed at the Association’s annual business session; statements of income received from the trustee will be provided to the National Treasurer for his/her use when preparing the annual tax return; examination of the committee’s financial records shall be coordinated with the Association’s Audit Committee during the annual reunion; maintain a positive connection with the citizens and leaders of Ste. Marie-du-Mont who continue to support our activities.
MEMORIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN – Bert Nicholson [email protected]

7. REUNION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: At the direction of the National President, this committee shall consist of at least five (5) members in good standing with prior reunion experience.  It shall review all chapter bids to host future national reunions, ensuring that adequate facilities and planning have been considered.  It shall maintain contact with the host chapter reunion planning committee to provide any needed guidance and assistance.  Chapter bids to host a national reunion shall be submitted to this committee at least two (2) years in advance of the reunion to which the bid pertains.  If a chapter bid has not been received in any year, it shall solicit chapter bids or select a site and plan a reunion.
REUNION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN – Rick Adams [email protected]
MANAGER REUNION OPERATIONS – Linda Dufek [email protected]

8. MEDIA ADVISORY COMMITTEE: At the direction of the National President, this committee shall consist of at least five (5) members in good standing and shall be responsible for establishing guidelines and recommending policy decisions concerning this Association’s electronic and printed media, to include the web site at, the Ivy Leaves magazine, national stationary letterhead, membership application flyers and bumper stickers.  The Vice President–Communications shall serve as the chair of this committee.  Standing members shall include the web master, the Ivy Leaves editor and the Advertising/Publicity chairperson.  The committee chair may call meetings, preferably by e-mail, whenever it is deemed necessary for the operation of the web site or the Ivy Leaves.
MEDIA ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN – Rusty Armstrong [email protected]

9. AUDITING COMMITTEE: At the direction of the National President this Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members in good standing. It shall examine the National Treasurer's books and records and certify the reports to be true and accurate.
AUDITING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - Bill Redmond [email protected]

10. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE:  At the direction of the National President this Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members in good standing and is charged with the administration of the National 4th (Ivy) Division Scholarship Trust dated August 29, 1969 and shall comply with the provisions established therein. In addition, the Scholarship Committee shall be governed by the guidelines for Educational Scholarship in ARTICLE VII, Section 3 of the Association Bylaws.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - Rick Adams [email protected]
SCHOLARSHIP SECRETARY - Philip Menendez [email protected]