About Us

The National 4th Infantry (Ivy) Division Association was formed in 1919 in Germany following WWI. The association is a non-profit 501(c)(4) - 170(c)(3) War Veterans’ organization with a National organizational structure, of an Executive Board, Committees, and appointed Officers. In addition, geographic chapters of the association have been formed to cover the United States as well as Unit chapters. The association holds annual National Reunions each year, and Chapters also hold meetings throughout the year at sites across the country. Our Membership is made up of veterans of WWII, the Cold War, Vietnam War, Iraq War, Afghanistan, and the War on Terror. Membership is open to Veterans who honorably served with or attached to the 4th Infantry Division, and those who are currently serving with or attached to the 4th Infantry Division. Family members of fallen soldiers or deceased veterans can join as Memorial Members and friends of the 4th Infantry Division may join as Associate Members.

Click here to learn more about the formation of the association

Mission Statement

The mission of the National 4th Infantry (Ivy) Division Association is to organize the Veterans, Soldiers and Friends of the Fourth Infantry Division of the United States Army to:

  • Support our soldiers currently serving around the world, honor and perpetuate the memories of the officers, men and women who distinguished themselves by their past service and sacrifices while serving with or attached to the Fourth Infantry Division.
  • Unite and promote fellowship for the good of the membership through our Reunions, Publications and Website to document the achievements of the Fourth Infantry Division.
  • Assist in the relief and special needs of our membership and the education of their children to the betterment of American patriotism and American citizenship, and to promote the national defense.
  • Encourage historical research of wars, to acquire and preserve the records of the service of the members, as well as documents and relics, and mark the scenes of the activities of the Fourth Infantry Division with appropriate memorials and/or monuments, and celebrate the anniversaries of prominent events of our country's wars and conflicts.
  • Foster true patriotism, to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom and at all times to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
The National 4th Infantry (IVY) Division Association is an Association Partner with AUSA