Supporting the Veterans, Soldiers and Friends of the 4th Infantry Division Since 1919.

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Welcome, Member!

Welcome members to our new website! Click on the ‘Menu’ button in the upper right to access the site directory and learn about available Memberships and the Benefits of Membership. Portions of the site are restricted to 'Members Only'. Join today, renew your membership, and search the membership roster.

News & Events

July 24, 2024

From the Resolutions Committee

Two Resolutions to the Constitution& Bylaws will be presented at the First Business Meeting at the National Reunion September 20, 2024. 1) ‘Free Life’ Memberships for Vietnam & Cold War Veterans, and 2) Changes to the National Elected and Appointed Officers.
June 20, 2024

Ivy Week 2024

Ivy Week was celebrated at Fort Carson June 17 - 21, 2024 with the Soldiers of the 4th Infantry Division showcasing their skills, competitiveness, and teamwork through multiple events throughout Ivy Week. The winners of each competition were recognized in an awards ceremony and family day events. The 4th Infantry Division Headquarters Building Renaming Ceremony and the State of Fort Carson Address were held on June 20, 2024.
June 6, 2024

D-Day 80 Utah Beach 4th Infantry Division Ceremony

U.S. Army Maj. Gen. David Doyle, the 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson commanding general, gives a speech June 6, 2024, at Utah Beach, Normandy, France, to share the legacy of his division and honor the WWII veterans in attendance at the ceremony