The Ivy Leaves is the official publication of the National 4th Infantry (IVY) Division Association, PO Box 1914, St. Peters, MO 63376-0035. The Association is a 501(c)(4)-170 (c)(3) nonprofit, war veterans organization designed to promote the welfare of our membership and perpetuate the history and achievements of the 4th Infantry Division past, present and future.
The Ivy Leaves is published in 4-color printed format and digitally as an electronic document to E-Ivy and E-Life members and others who request that option.
The Ivy Leaves will consider and review all submissions but does not guarantee their publication. The primary guideline is that submissions must relate to the 4th Infantry Division (4th ID) past, present or future and any unit or person attached or assigned to the 4th ID. All submissions are subject to editing and corrections at the discretion of the Editor. The Ivy Leaves does not run paid advertisements other than promotion of our organization and vendors that support the 4th ID.
The Ivy Leaves accepts articles from members and occasionally contributors such as family members, friends and related Veteran and other military organizations. Whenever possible the Editor will provide credit and recognition to these contributors. We request that such articles be limited to 500 words or less but longer articles will be judged on their merit.
We require that all submissions be formatted in Microsoft WORD or a compatible software. It is preferred such documents will be sent on disk, ‘thumb drive’ or preferably as an email attachment. Written submissions will be considered but extra time and editing may preclude their timely publication.
Photos are preferred to be High-Resolution (300 DPI) .jpg, .tif or .pdf files sent as email attachments. Photos sent by mail should be high quality copies or they may not be suitable for publication due to age and condition and will not be returned.
Submissions to the “Mail Bag”, “Looking For” and Reunions & Events should always contain the writer’s name and mailing address along with telephone number and/or email address for contact. These items should normally be 200 words or less and should not take up excessive column space.
Finally, The Ivy Leaves is for the education and entertainment of our members, associates and family members. We are a ‘user friendly’ organization that honors our members and will not tolerate inappropriate language or behavior.
“Steadfast and Loyal”
Glen “Rusty” Armstrong
VP-Communications, Editor, The Ivy Leaves
1/12th INF “Red Warriors”
[email protected]
S78 W24280 Cheri Ave
Big Bend, WI 53103-9489